Running a business can be very unpredictable. Some months you may see an increase in revenue while other months can be financially draining. Unfortunately, the months that you experience a decrease in sales or revenue can result in a default on your Florida commercial lease. By defaulting on your Florida commercial lease, you face being evicted by your Landlord. This can result in a lawsuit being filed against you and your company and potentially being removed from the commercial property. Many tenants think that once they are served with a notice to pay or quit or a commercial eviction complaint they have to immediately vacate the commercial property. This is not true. By hiring a Commercial Tenant Lawyer in Boca Raton or any city in South Florida, you will be properly advised of your rights as a Commercial tenant.
An experienced Commercial Tenant Lawyer in Boca Raton will help you work with your landlord in an attempt to come to an agreement that will potentially allow you to remain in the commercial property. The cost of removing a commercial tenant can be costly and many commercial landlords understand that by giving the commercial tenant an opportunity to remain in the property makes more financial sense. An experienced Commercial Tenant Lawyer in Boca Raton will also ensure that if a commercial landlord decides to go through with the Commercial Eviction Process, they are properly following both the lease and Florida law. landlord tenant law must be strictly followed and it is a commercial tenant lawyer’s job to properly defend your case.
If you are a commercial tenant and have defaulted on your monthly payment obligation to your Commercial landlord, contact your South Florida Eviction Attorneys at (954) 323-2529 and learn more about your rights as a commercial tenant. 954 Eviction Attorneys, PLLC are available twenty-four hours a day, 7 days a week.
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